Episode 8: John and Megan set the table with their co-host and friend Shannon Larson to discuss Joy of Cooking recipes and stories, kitchen victories and miseries, and, most importantly, what they are all cooking and eating. This episode is inspired by kid-friendly vegan recipes.
Episode 8: John and Megan set the table with their co-host and friend Shannon Larson to discuss Joy of Cooking recipes and stories, kitchen victories and miseries, and, most importantly, what they are all cooking and eating. This episode is inspired by kid-friendly vegan recipes.
Links To Content Mentioned In Episode 8:
Use Code JOYOFCOOKING for 10% off
Joy of Cooking 2019 Edition Recipe Mentions:
Rombauer special chocolate cake, page 728
White Russian, page 22
Salt cad croquettes, page 655
Megan's Vegan Chili, page 89
Becker brussels sprouts, page 222
Roasted mushroom burger, page 145