Episode 3: John and Megan set the table with their co-host and friend Shannon Larson and their guest Tin To Table cookbook author Anna Hezel to discuss Joy of Cooking recipes and stories, kitchen victories and miseries, and, most importantly, what they are all cooking and eating. This recipe is inspired by Party Foods!
Episode 3: John and Megan set the table with their co-host and friend Shannon Larson and their guest Tin To Table cookbook author Anna Hezel to discuss Joy of Cooking recipes and stories, kitchen victories and miseries, and, most importantly, what they are all cooking and eating. This recipe is inspired by Party Foods!
Links To Content Mentioned In Episode 3:
Coupon Code TINGLYJOY20
Joy of Cooking 2019 Edition Recipe Mentions:
Paella, page 334
Hot Fudge Sunday, page 851
Four-Egg Cake (1-2-3-4 Cake), page 725